Discover Your Authentic Inner Voice and Go from Tongue-tied to Terrific! A Practical Guide to Overcoming Stage Fright and the Fear of Public Speaking.

Book by Leila Witkin & Barbara Eubanks. 

Publication Date: 11 July 2013 / Published by: Panoma Press

In writing “UnAfraid, UnFrazzled & UnFrogettable”! and in the creation of Freddie Frog, our loveable and all-too-human Amphibian Coach, this Practical Guide is structured to provide a comprehensive map to overcoming the fears associated with public speaking. To this end, we have distilled our combined expertise in helping people achieve their goals in business, performing, presenting and public speaking.

Based on years of personal experience in the theatre, broadcast media, business and education, we share a unique perspective and offer our readers a helpful compilation of tips and techniques for dealing with stage fright and the fear of public speaking.

If you are worried about public speaking, or downright terrified to give it a try, then this book is a must read. It s packed with simple to use strategies that can take the edge off and make you feel comfortable and confident in your speech.

–Dr. Topher Morrison, author of the best-selling book, Stop Chasing Perfection and Settle for Excellence

Freddie Frog
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If you are worried about public speaking, or downright terrified to give it a try, then this book is a must read. It s packed with simple to use strategies that can take the edge off and make you feel comfortable and confident in your speech.

Dr. Topher Morrison, author of the best-selling book, Stop Chasing Perfection and Settle for Excellence

King Frogerick the GreatDr. Topher Morrison, Author of the best-selling book, Stop Chasing Perfection and Settle for Excellence

A splendid book surely provides all the tools you need to find your voice, overcome anxiety, and develop communication techniques to enthuse your audience. A special frog will make your journey to deal with stage fright or just enhance your ability to speak in public unfrogettable. A delightful and rich account of the science of speaking in public. Extremely effective, original and good for the muscles of the soul!

Dr. Athina Karatzogianni Senior Lecturer in New Media and Political Communication Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences The University of Hull

King Frogerick the GreatDr. Athina Karatzogianni , The University of Hull

About the Authors

In this concise guidebook, co-authors Leila Witkin and Barbara Eubanks have combined their extensive backgrounds in the theater, opera and television and their hands-on experience as respected coaches on both sides of the pond. An award-winning director and television producer in South Africa, Leila Witkin has worked with individuals, groups and corporations on three continents as an executive and personal coach.She lives in London and is a member of the UK Professional Speakers Association. In 2011 she was short-listed for the APCTC Specialist Coach of the Year Award.

A lifetime member of the New York Singing Teachers Association (NYSTA), Barbara Eubanks has performed leading roles in opera and musical theater and taught vocal technique at the Manhattan School of Music and privately in New York City. Her students have performed in regional opera and music theater, on Broadway and at the Metropolitan Opera.

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This is where you can find out how to:

Overcome your anxiety, self-consciousness, stage fright, and nerves and master Nature’s built-in fight or flight survival response.

Free your voice and develop fluidity, resonance, and inflexion in your presentations.

Develop a greater awareness of unspoken clues in other peoples’ body language and use powerful techniques to align your own body language effectively with your message.

Employ strong communication techniques for the best results in many different situations.